London seeks to legitimize RSF and Tagadum| The Day the Fig Leaf Falls Off| By: Mohammed Ahmed Adam
London seeks to legitimize RSF and
The Day the Fig Leaf Falls Off
By: Mohammed Ahmed Adam
Against the backdrop of successive military defeats of the RSF militia on the ground and the militia’s total collapse strongly loomed on the horizon, along with the failure of the scheming to introduce a United Nations force into the Sudan through the Security Council, after both Russia and China threatened to veto it, forces hostile to the entity of the Sudanese state, went to pondering alternative and rapid solution, to save the militia from a verified defeat.
Correspondingly, these forces move across two remain axes; making use of United Kingdom’s clout as a permanent member of the Security Council and the holder of the pen on the Sudanese issues, either to extract an international resolution that forcefully stop the war, ensuring thereby that the RSF militia maintains its current territories، including civilians’ homes and neighborhoods it is currently occupying in Kharotoum, Al Gazeera and elswhere.
Into the bargain also, the imposition of a no-fly zones, that necessarily denies Sudanese armed forces, one of its most prominent military advantages (air superiority), especially in territories still occupied by the militia, under the guise of establishing the so called ” safe zones”.
In precedence, the stage was set for the NGOs, prompted to magnify and overestimate the scale of the humanitarian disaster in the Sudan; exaggerating the figures of those threatened by famine throughout the Sudan. in the meantime, RSF likewise, was incited to play its already drawn roles in the conspiracy with enviable distinction; looting more relief convoys, tons of life-saving food supplies from WFP warehouses and other UN agencies, burning and destroying crops and harvest equipment, to mention a few. However, the worst has been, the systematic weaponizing of starvation, to further exacerbate the humanitarian situation in the country.
On the other hand, the completion of the intervention scenario, necessitated encouraging the RSF militia on the ground, to escalate their criminal barbarity and atrocities, quantitively and qualitative wise, against the helpless innocent civilians to ascertain the further exacerbation of the humanitarian situation, with escalating rates of horrors to invoke and justify international intervention, as recently seen by the world, in tens of villages in the east of Al Gazira, in central Sudan.
To that effect, in order for the British Government to pave the way towards its above-mentioned sinister plans, London took it upon itself to persuade the British opposition forces and people, in the first place, that it is acting for an international intervention in Sudan, primarily in an answer to the demands of the Sudanese people themselves.
Hence, London must have thought that the scenario would be incomplete without being sealed by calling Tagadum’s group (The Sudanese Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces) led by the ex- prime Minister Hamdok, to visit London – with the availability of UAE readily as usual to bear the fiscal cost- in order to conclude by making an official plea to London, to intervene in the Sudanese crisis, being the core to the whole show.
As a matter of fact, Hamdok and his entourage arrived in London to be ostensibly presented to the British people, as the sole representative of the Sudan’s democratic forces. contemptuously flouting facts on the ground.
Sooner than expected, the truth was pound to find its way; the plan fired back, to shoot its very organizers right on the foot, instead the world was on a date with a different scenario; Tagadum’s activists, spearheaded by Hamdok, who used to vociferously occupy western and araba news channels and social media, ended up dwarfed into a bunch of an isolated, scorned and coward activists, in eyes of their fellow Sudanese people, whom they do claim to represent and speak on their name and behalf. To that effect, the British police had to increase the protection police force from 5 policemen as initially planned, to more than 500 policemen, at the expense of the already over-burdened British taxpayer.
It seemed obvious the multitudes that demonstrated against Tagdum in Thursday’s afternoon – most of whom are both youths and British-passports holders – do represent all colors of Sudan’s political, ethnic and social spectrum in UK; a genuine representative of the Sudanese community in the diaspora. Hence, any attempt to classify or attribute them to a certain particular political cult for demonization, won’t work this time.
Make no mistake, these are the same young men and women, who stood tall and filled these same streets of London, in support of the Sudanese revolution that overthrew the Islamists rule in Sudan in 2018.
Another feature of London demonstration, was the unity of purpose manifested in slogans and banners; in fact, it was a carbon copy of previous protests staged against these stooges, during their similar previous tours to Geneva, Brussels and Paris, where Sudanese demonstrators gathered
from all over Europe, leaving behind their businesses, driven solely by the spirit of patriotism and their unwavering support of their army, the symbol of Sudan’ dignity, unity and sovereignty, in the face of the aggression and the terrorist militia.
What a shame, Hamdok and his group were chased in London like terrified rats, narrowly escaped the wrath of their fellow citizens, inside and outside the conference lobbies. Embarrassing slogans accusing Hamdok and his group of inter alia, betrayal of the Sudanese revolution, the blood of its martyrs, the worst still, acting as a political cover, for the atrocities of RSF militia against the fellow innocent and defenseless Sudanese civilians.
The British press the next day found no other way than describing the demonstrations as an embodiment of the Sudanese people’s unvarnished rejection of Hamdok and his accompanying team, in a live referendum.
If truth be told, Sudanese demonstrations in London have unmistakably featured the growing national awareness of the dangers of (Tagadum) positions and their impact on international and regional attitudes, calling forth the importance of containing them, through broad popular movement. At the end of the day, Western governments, will not succeed in bending the truth’s neck; it can no longer count on Tagadum’s activists, who are evidently disqualifies, growing into a mass isolated, a gang of untouchables, in persons and attitudes.
Conversely, other Sudanese politicians like Mr. Minni Arko Minawi’s meetings in Paris for instance, witnessed a wide audience of the same Sudanese in diaspora, too large for the biggest lecture hall available. Likewise, Dr,Gibriel Ibrahim in Washington.
By the same token, the world watched how a similar spectrum of the Sudanese community in diaspora gathered New York, to salute President Al Burhan, after delivering his speech at the United Nations last September, chanting in one voice “one army, one people” and how President Al Burhan reciprocally and in full confidence, broke the protocol to shake hands with a number of them.
In the same way, in New York, demonstrators held up the pictures of President Al-Burhan and the Sudanese Army, whereas in London, pictures of Hamdok and his fellow activists were shown with bloodstained faces; an unmistakable indication of their complicity and sinister roles in the ongoing massacres in Sudan.
The current futile British endeavors to legalize the RSF militia, with a deliberate and flawed disregard for its crimes is not surprising; in fact, it’s entirely consistent with the Guardian’s revelation that the FCO is already in secret talks with notorious militia proved to have committed geocide,
ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.
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